Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ella's Kindergarten 'Ceremony'

I can't believe I forgot to post these pictures..well, actually I can. I only have a million things to think aout these days, I am a stay at home mother of 3 and it doesn't help that I have a pulled muscle in my back and my little red head fell and has a hematoma on his forehead. ANYWAY...I took these pics at Ella's kindergarten ceremony, I really have no idea what it's called.

Showing off her kindergarten certificate
With her 5K teacher Mrs. Shealy

With her 5K Assistant teacher Mrs. Harwell (also our preacher's wife)

With the vice principal Mr. Marshall

Gettin her certificate from Principal Mrs. Romines
Ella also got the girls Athletic Award for her class!

We also had Brett's end of the year preschool performance. He did really well and sang his songs, but towards the end the poor little guy fell asleep on stage! These pictures were taken after the performance.

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