So, today is D-day. I'm leaving in about 40 minutues to take Ella and Luke to get their hair cut and then heading to Greenville to see the neurosurgeon. At this point, I am pretty sure that surgery is not in my near future due to a phone call the neurosurgeon made about my MRI to my friend who referred me. I am, however, more than ready to learn what I can and cannot do. I haven't been able to pick up Luke for 3 weeks now and it is killing me! I have to have someone come over anytime I need to go somewhere to put him in his carseat for me and then I have to have someone take him out. Do you know what an inconvenience that is? I can't just pick up and go! I'm beyond over this. I haven't been able to workout since we were at the beach and I have a gut feeling it's going to be a long time before I do anything more than walk- I pray I'm wrong. I'm also ready to be able to feel my fingers again and I am more than ready for my arm to stop tingling/burning.
Ok, enough complaining.
I now present to you the Deadliest Catch of Garden City. (I told you I would bombard you with beach pictures!) Michael had the great idea to catch crabs at the pier while we were at the beach. We started first with ice cream on the pier.
Proof that I was at the beach. I'm never in pictures since I'm always behind that camera!
This was definitely one of those beach nights I'll never forget!
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