Saturday, September 12, 2009

The post that is long overdue

I've avoided writing this post for sometime now and I've realized that there is no way around it and I need to 'get it out' and 'put it all out there' for my readers. What's all this about? My decision to homeschool.
Ok, pick your jaw up off the floor. Many of you know I've made this decision and many of you don't. For those of you that do know, you probably already know my reasons for choosing this other path. While I don't feel as if I should have to explain my reasons, I do want to share them with you. I feel as if I should start with destroying the stereotype of the 'typical homeschool mom'. I don't have really long hair, I don't dress in a denim jumper and believe children are VERY WELL SOCIALIZED.
Our children's education is very important to us and this decision has nothing to do with the teachers in our area. I am friends with many of them and I would love for my children to be influenced by them, but this goes farther than that. I do not want to force my views on you, but I do want to share my opinions...
In a society where children are forced to grow up way too fast and little girls can't be just little girls, I started to look at the path less traveled. Homeschooling allows me to control what my children are exposed to and when. No, I'm not naiive and I know they will learn every cuss word in the book at some point, but it does not have to be when they are 6 years old. The things I learned that my little girl learned from other children at her school was jaw-dropping.
But this decision goes back before Ella was ever in kindergarten. 2 years ago I felt a strong, we'll call it an urge, to homeschool. I wasn't sure why this topic was suddenly around me everywhere and why I thought about it constantly. Me, homeschool? No way- I don't do that! Strangers even came up to me and asked me if I homeschooled Ella. It was all very weird and strange. UNTIL, I realized that it was a calling by God. If you've ever been called by God to do something then I know you can totally relate. If you haven't, then keep your ears open and listen. It will be a wonderful experience for you. I prayed over this decision for 2 YEARS. I prayed for homeschool friends and wisdom to make this huge life changing decision that so many others don't understand. Let me assure you, it's not for you to understand. It's only between God and me. I mean, it's ultimately my judgement day that I'm worried about (not the ones who are skeptical about homeschooling) and I want to be able to stand before my King and be able to say that I followed his calling for me.
I ultimately got over what other people would think, what they would say and I made the decision. The peace that came from that decision is a miracle in itself. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I realized that I really didn't care what everyone else thought. I'm doing what I think is best for my family- wouldn't you do the same? While I was making this decision, I had a homeschool friend come into my life and then after I made the decision, another friend decided to homeschool. We are taking this path together and having alot of fun doing it.
Let me assure you now that:
we do not sit at the table all day
my children are not missing out on anything
they have plenty of friends
my children are well socialized
So, with all of this off my chest, you can be sure that there will be plenty of homeschool pictures posted. We have gone on field trips, done science experiments, cooking class, dissected a pig's eye and many other fun things.
For anyone that may be worried about my children's future- don't. They are spending quality time with their family and having fun. And please oh please don't be the annoying person that feels the needs to quiz my children on what they are learning, if they like being homeschooled and if they would rather attend public school. I'm not coming up to your children and asking them if they would rather not go to school, sleep late in the morning, and only have to 'do school' for 3 hours a day instead of 8. Whew! Nuff said.


adairjill said...

I'm loving it!!! Mind if I copy this and post it to mine? I can't seem to find the words and this pretty much says it!!!

Unknown said...

Marji, You and Michael are walking in obedience to God. The "peace" that you said you felt is his answer to your obedience. Keep your eye on the big picture and the end goal. Your children will thrive and excel. I am so happy for you and your family! You can do it and I will be right here to cheer you along. Love you!

Unknown said...

Arcie, You will look back and be so grateful you listened to that calling. The journey will be amazing and challenging but you are well equipped. Don't listen to discouraging comments - they are from those who don't understand. I am so proud of you and Jen. I will be praying for you as always. Love, Aunt Judi

Cara said...

Awesome post! I know sometimes it is easier said than done but do what you believe is right and what is best for your family regardless of what other people say and think. There is only one whose judgement matters!