Monday, November 2, 2009


We had a very busy Halloween day which started with Ella performing in the Fall Festival downtown. She did a great job with her gymnastics routine. I am amazed at what a good tumbler she is! After lunch with Nana, Granddaddy, Nannie, Papa and Aunt Allyson I took Luke home for his nap and Ella and BRett got to stay and ride some rides. Then it was off for dinner at a friends house, then over to Nana's to get ready for Halloween and finally time for Trick-or-Treating.
The kids were really confused since they weren't going to be handing out candy this year like we usually do at church. This year we decided to let the poor darlings do the real thing since it's our last year in the neighborhood. We'll be in the boonies next year! (yeah!!!) Let me tell you, they got over the confusion really fast once they realized it was going door to door and people just giving you the goods. They came home and dumped it all out on the floor. Ella had hers sorted by type of candy. We had a busy but fun day. It's officially kicked off my favorite time of year!

Dorothy times 2!

Optimus Prime


The Pokey Little Puppy

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