Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bring it on Mud Run!

You probably don't know this, but I'm getting ready for a MUD RUN on May 1st! I am so excited!! It's going to be my first one and I hear they are addicting. I'm going to be on a 4 woman team with my oh-so-fab sister-in-law and 2 great girls from CrossFit864 where we workout. A friend posted this video of the run last year that they found on youtube. It looks like so much fun and now I am even more excited about this run, I just hope I can make the whole 4 miles! Check it out and see!

St. Francis Mud Run


adairjill said...

Wow!!! That looks FUN!!! I'm jealous!!! JK....I would love to try this, but also kind of glad I have the PREGO excuse going on right now!! lol!

Lesley said...

Jackson always go to the Greenville and Columbia ones and loves them, I might stop in for a picture so maybe I will see you!