Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Clemson Game

Michael and I were finally brave enough to take our 3 little hoodlums, ahem, children to a Clemson game. We braced ourselves for what promised to be an interesting day.

Tailgating with Aunt Ally
With Daddy...about to see the field for the first time. Can you see the excitement on Michael's face?

Poor Luke, he lasted until about the 3rd quarter. He did pretty good though- I didn't think he'd last that long. He was so funny- almost like a cat trying to settle down for a nap. He kept places coats all over the bleachers and then pushing at them with his lil hands to get them just right. He finally passed out in Aunt Ally's arms.

Me with my favorite girl!

Oh how we love Aunt Ally- can't wait til the next game!

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