Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm back!

Things have been so busy and hectic trying to move in, unpack and get settled around the holidays. For everyone that wants to know if we are done...NO! Unfortunately life hasn't stood still for us. I'm still unpacking, still teaching school, we finally finished afternoon activities and have had holiday parties to attend and host. Hopefully after the holidays things will calm down and I'll be able to actually get something done. I can't wait to start decorating.

Here is a shot of our tree in the den and the mantle Michael decorated.
This is our tree in the foyer. Notice the bottom isn't decorated- this is because of Luke. He grabs everything off the trees! It looks like it's also been turned some, so I think you are getting a shot of the bad side...oops!

This is where I am with my craft room right now.

Here is a shot of one of our new couches. After 7 1/2 years of marriage, we finally bought new couches!

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