Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our 'other' babies, well....some of them

My dear hubby always promised me that when we moved to the country I could have as many animals as I wanted. Oh how he will regret those words! If you know me, then you know I'm a HUGE animal lover. If you didn't know that, then you really don't know me do you? Just a lil' something to ponder.
Anyway, we finally brought ol' faithful (aka Harley) to our new home. We are still waiting to bring our 3 labs (Annie, Maggie and Molly) here for fear they will run off. We also have 2 kitties. Sarafina (say sarafeeeeena) is Ella's cat. She is long haired, black and extremely sweet. All she wants is to be loved all the time. Ella's morning chores include her feeding Sarafina, and usually Biscuit. Biscuit is Brett's cat that we adopted from a lady in town. He is somewhat skittish, but slowly getting used to our family.
Most days you can find Ella outside 'terrorizing' the animals by giving them orders and telling them what to do I've already found Sarafina in 'time out' (are you reading this Aunt Tiffy???) and Harley has been tied to the freezer door. Poor dog. He just takes everything in stride.
Here are some pics of a typical morning around the houe right now....

Ella outside torturing, I mean following the animals. Note the outfit

Sarafina and Biscuit


Here's my favorite 4 legged man. My beloved Harley. He looks like he has a lazy eye in this pic. Not too sure what that's about because he doesn't look like that. Maybe it's the angle? I don't know.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a handsome fellow!