Friday, April 15, 2011

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program...

For an update and a quick rant by yours truly.

Yes, we are expecting baby #4 in October and Yes, it was planned. All of our pregnancies have been- why do I feel obligated to say that?

Now, to those of you that know me (and I mean REALLY know me) this news didn't come as a shock to you. You would know that Michael and I have always wanted a big family. You would also know that I've said from day 1 that I would love to have 3 or 4 kids, God willing.

It's funny that I feel the need to 'explain' wanting another child. We are not trying to top the Duggars or anything. I know several families that are members of the Quad Squad. I do feel like I should address a couple of the comments I seem to keep hearing because they are driving me NUTS! (Just trying to keep it real)

"Don't you know what causes that"-Ok, can I just say that I am SO OVER hearing this one.

"Better you than me"- Well, obviously so if this is your attitude. I would rather it be me than you if your view your children as a burden and inconvenience and not the blessing that God gifted you with.

"I just don't have the patience"- Really? Do you seriously think I do? Have you ever seen me in action with my kids? I lose it just like any other mom. We all do, whether we have 1 or 10.

"We are just so busy"- Don't get me started...You must not know me and you must not know my crazy life/schedule. Don't flame me here, but I don't get the break in the day from my kids by going to work or sending them to school. I have them home to homeschool them and this makes for an even crazier schedule. Not to mention that most people who seem to say this have 1 or 2 kids. Again, really? Could you even fathom what it's like to juggle 3 kids afternoon schedules BY YOURSELF because your hubby works late? I wouldn't have my life any other way, but it's break-neck speed all day everyday.

"Are you still going to homeschool them"- Why wouldn't I? I still feel strongly that this is where God wants us to be right now. Having a baby is not going to change that.

Whew! I feel better now. I will step off my soapbox and return to our regular posting.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

hey, I loved the post! I didn't know you were expecting but knew it wouldn't be long! Very excited for you, I know the rest of the fam is too! keep up the posts, it seems this is how I communicate these days--whew!